Below are proposed lighting designs for Electric Forest 2016.  Most are shown on lampposts, but could hang from a cable in the trees as well.  The specific designs cut into each lamp are mostly place-holding elements here  (some are shown blank, some are shown with existing patterns) and we would want to significantly develop these further.  We are open to aesthetic discussion.  

For durability and longevity, we are specifying Marine Grade Plywood, (grade BS 1088).  They would further be envelope treated with a deck sealant to extend their lifespans, covering all cut edges.

All of our lantern designs break down and pack up flat.  This allows them to be easily stored without being damaged in the off-season.  The other advantage of this design is that if single pieces are damaged, replacements can be made for those pieces, and not the entire lantern.  

Prices listed are for the lantern with a standard electrical fixture (medium base light bulb), designed and manufactured for outdoor use.   A diffusing medium is not included but, on average, regular water resistant paper diffusion will add $25-$35 per unit, plastic diffusion such as Rowlux Illusion Film will add approximately $65-$75 each. We suspect there may be a more durable, middle fiscal ground in a plastic material and can research further if there is interest.

 Location and application will determine required light levels and type, therefore, lightbulbs are not included in the prices here. Lampposts are not included in the pricing. Delivery and installation is also not included in pricing, both of which we are open to assist with. 

 Prices subject to change based on:

  • Complexity of the designs that are cut into the lamps. If considerable design time or very intricate work is requested we must quote higher prices to over design and machining time.  
  • Volume - with a plan in place we can find ways to use materials efficiently, potentially get volume discounts from our suppliers and submit a more competitive, accurate bid.
  • Synergy - we are interested in returning as vendors and creating a large, stand alone installation as an attraction and vending booth.  Sharing costs for our travel and product delivery could be an easy win-win. 

To see dimensions and pricing,  hover your mouse over the image to see the caption.