Hello, we’re Marrilee and Dave and we enjoy making unique, beautiful, fun things. As business owners, we have a unique opportunity to make more matter than a single bottom line. Our triple bottom line is measured in people, planet and profit.
People : Proceeds from our sales are reinvested monthly, (and then some) in Kiva loans, empowering individuals all over the globe. To date, December 17, 2015, we have invested in 146 loans. Locally, we donate our services and materials to YMCA youth arts and crafts programs.
Planet : Our wood is Forest Stewardship Council certified. Our boxes are 90% recycled content and our bags, paper and packaging fill are 100% post-consumer recycled content. We choose the responsible option every chance we get, including buying locally.
Profit : We sell directly to our patrons and keep our prices low so we can both benefit. Further, our website calculates live shipping rates (as best as WordPress can calculate) so you wont be charged flat, additional handling fees. Finally, we bank at a credit union so our fiscal flex is locally leveraged.
We’re proud to make and share our art this way and we hope you’ll also feel proud of your investment. Our many thanks to talented artist Aaron Geiser for the color photos here.